Charles LaFond

About the Author

The Reverend Canon Charles LaFond, an Episcopal priest, speaker, author and blogger has served the Episcopal Church as inventor, designer and lead instructor for Project Resource until 2016, imagining a culture-changing initiative to get basic resource materials and adult-learning in church financial development and membership growth into the churches and dioceses of our church without any consulting fees required, ever, by anyone at any time.

Fearless Church Fundraising is a continuation, in an improved version, soon to include free teaching videos, new books in 2016 and 2017, and upcoming conferences. Charles LaFond’s book Fearless Church Fundraising (a book found on Amazon and at your local book-seller)  and this extension website is Charles LaFond’s award winning collection of church fundraising materials built over a 30 year ministry and entirely free for any church, any time, anywhere.

Fearless Church Fundraising is the first in a series of three books on church-based or church institution-based annual pledging, major gifts and membership growth.

At we want churches to learn to raise money in order to fund mission. The Reverend Charles LaFond has a passion for helping churches to help people to give their money to fund mission. Recently the Canon Steward at The Cathedral of Saint John’s in the Wilderness, Denver, Colorado, Charles now raises money for those experiencing homelessness in New Mexico and is a potter, bee-keeper, priest, retreat leader, speaker and author on spiritual depth and philanthropy. He spent a decade as a corporate non-profit development officer and a second decade as an Episcopal priest and monk.

Charles blogs daily on spiritual life, food, hospitality and generosity at The Daily Sip which is syndicated on Episcopal Café weekly. His third book is on the spiritual life can be found at  or at your local book store after June 2018.   Note to Self: Creating your Guide to a More Spiritual Life is a book about how to consider the important things in your life and then write yourself what ancient monks call “a rule of life.” Note to Self teaches you how to let go of new Year’s resolutions and to create 30 reminders to yourself of how you hope to live. The foreword is written by John Philip Newell.

Charles Lives on the coast of Whidbey Island at the edge of the world off the coast of Washington State with a companion English Black Lab named Kai.